About Dehumidifier Indonesia

Company Profile

About Us

W.C. Wood Company was founded in 1930 in Guelph Ontario, Canada to manufacture electrical farm equipment and has been a family owned business ever since. Its first products were grain grinders, oat rollers, and electric fencers. In the mid‐thirties, It later added milking machines and in 1938 its first refrigeration product, a milk cooler was introduced in North America and the first farm freezer was built that same year.

W.C.Wood company later sold farm equipment department to focus on more growing refrigeration market and it became one of the largest manufacturer for freezers, refrigerators, dehumidifiers, and compact kitchens in North America.

In order to thrive the world big recession in 2008‐2009, W.C Wood has filed for protection and undergone overall re‐structuring. Mr.Peter Joseph Macgillivary, director and other high‐profile managers have established Noble Air and Ventilation (NAAV) Solutions Inc to carry out, strengthen and expand its core dehumidifier, humidifier, heater and later solar products business.

During this time, Dehumidifier Indonesia also followed the trend of other Canadian and USA company to outsource and/or move production facilities to developing countries to capitalize the low production cost there which not only help provide customer at home with a quality products at more affordable price but also help company expand market in other countries.

Currently, besides its head office, R&D and factory in Canada, Dehumidifier Indonesia also have manufacturing plant in Thailand, China, Spain and newly Vietnam to manufacture different products for different markets and customers.

Dehumidifier Indonesia

Company Name

Dehumidifier Indonesia


Jln. HR. Rasuna Said kav. X2 No. 04 Jakarta, 12950


62 21-5227475

Business Consultant






Jln. HR. Rasuna Said kav. X2 No. 04 Jakarta, 12950



(62) 21-5227475
